
Friday, July 13, 2012

Five Things To Do This Weekend

1. Write a handwritten letter with envelope, postage stamp and all.  Don't lie to yourself, you know how wonderful it is to receive letters in the mail.  So make someone else's day with a letter of their own.

2. Watch your favorite movie.  Again.  For the millionth time.  Because it makes you happy.
Mine is You've Got Mail.  What's yours?

3. Write a list of all of the things you're thankful for.  The length will surprise you, I can guarantee it.

4. Spend some time outside.  After writing letters, watching movies and making lists, you'll probably want a bit of fresh air.

5. Do something that makes you happy that you aren't always able to do.  For me it's walking to Starbucks early Sunday morning, buying the Sunday Times and a green tea latte and reading for hours.  I have a sneaking suspicion that that's not everyone's happy place.  But oh well, it's mine.

Images: 1234

This weekend I will be heading home to celebrate my mom's birthday on Saturday.  I'm definitely excited to see her, but I'm especially excited to immerse myself in my parent's air-conditioned home for a full forty-eight hours.  Sleeping under the covers sounds just magical to me right about now.

Happy Friday everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Okay, seriously, you have hit my weekend routine right on point. I watch all those movies all the time and I write handwritten letters every weekend. Crazy!
