
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Ten Little Things

It's so easy to take the little things for granted.  But sometimes the little things that come in to your life, even if it's just for a second, make you the happiest.  So I've decided I'm going to start writing down those little things as I come across them.  I have a million lists in my phone already, so what's just one more?  

1) The smell of crisp leaves on a fall day.
2) When a friend brings you a surprise out of the blue.  It can be a cup of coffee or a cupcake or anything really, but because you had no idea it was coming, it's perfect.
3) When a baby wraps their tiny little hand around one of your fingers.  
4) Getting a hand written letter in the mail.
5) Seeing a happy puppy wagging it's tail when you walk through the door.
6) Waking up after a wonderful night's rest with an entire free day ahead of you.
7) Savasana after a really hard yoga sculpt class (for all you yogis out there).
8) Sunshine and a warm breeze after you've been inside at work all day.
9) Taking a break from work and listening to your favorite song (this is usually accompanied by ridiculously loud singing/lip-syncing).  My current go to is Ingrid Michaelson's version of Can't Help Falling In Love.  And before that it was this.  And before that it was this.  

10) Seeing your friends and family at the airport after a long trip away from home.

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