
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Snapshots of a Long Weekend

Ah, what a weekend. I don't think I can actually fully explain to you my love for three day weekends. They just make me too happy. In case you're curious how I spent the past three days, don't worry, I'm about to fill you in. On Friday night I relaxed and hung out with my roommate. Saturday involved sleeping in, brunch, a Target run, homemade brownies, and having a few people over at night. On Sunday I was productive and did four loads of laundry. So many trips up and down my apartment stairs. And then there was Downton on Sunday night. I won't ruin it for anyone who hasn't seen it yet, but sad.

On Monday I decided to watch Beyonce's new documentary. It was wonderful, just as expected. That woman is so fantastic. I also fit in a yoga class and watched a little of The Biggest Loser at night.

Overall this weekend was just too lovely. And now I'm back to the grind, but thankfully fully recharged and ready to take on the week. Happy Tuesday everyone! What did you do this weekend?


  1. That sounds like a delightful weekend! You always have the prettiest photos, too. Target really does do everything right. I'm glad you had such a great long weekend! Mine was generally lazy, and filled with a whole lot of Breaking Bad and some skiing and breakfast for dinner, which is always the best time to have it :)

    <3 Josephine

  2. So many pretty colors in your weekend! Those items you got from Target are gorgeous! Outfit post? Hmmm??

    haha and yay for Downton! :)

  3. That bowl of berries is exactly what I'm craving right now, yum! I've been meaning to watch Queen B's doc, but I havent' gotten around to it!

    The Glossy Life

  4. Oh Target, how I miss thee! It's actually probably a good thing that I don't live near a Target because I know I would spend way too much of my money there- there have too many cute things! And I really really really want to see the Beyonce documentary- hope I can catch it online somewhere.

    star-crossed smile
